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About Us

Calvary Baptist Church of Brazil has quite a rich history. From this church has come pastors, missionaries, teachers, and many God-fearing citizens. We are proud of our church family, both present and past, and it's history.


A group of people began meeting together in 1959 under the leadership of Pastor Lawrence Newans as a community bible class. Pastor Newans was a state representative for the IFRBC, and saw a need for a church of baptist beliefs in Brazil. These classes began in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hennis, located at 1303 Pinecrest Dr.


In November of 1960, this group moved the Sunday morning services from the Hennis home into the Convention Hall at the Clay County Courthouse. They still continued to hold mid week services at the Hennis home. On May 14, 1961, a temporary organization was formed...

The group voted to purchase a tri-level home at 1320 Pinecrest Dr. to be used as a temporary chapel. Later, this home would be used as the church parsonage. Regular Sunday and mid week services began being held in the tri-level home in March of 1962. The very first VBS was held there in June of 1962. Under Pastor Newan's guidance, this baby church had now grown to fourteen charter members with an active visitation and Sunday School ministry. On June 30,1962, Pastor Newans handed this growing church to it's first full time minister. Pastor William "Bill" Grimes began his ministry with Calvary on July 1, 1962 as a missionary pastor, working under Baptist Mid-Missions. In 1964, he formed what is now,

"Calvary Baptist Church of Brazil, IN."

Early in 1965, a permanent building site was purchased from Mr. Harry Christopher of Brazil. After many months of prayer, planning, and faithful giving to the building fund, the people were ready to build a new church. A groundbreaking ceremony was held on the property on Sunday, April 2, 1967. Construction of the building began the next day.


Under the direction of Pastor David Seldon, Church Construction Supervisor of the North American Field Council of Baptist Mid-Missions, and with the help of it's members, sister churches, friends, and neighbors, the building was ready for use by the end of September. On the Lord's Day, the first services in the new building were held on October 1, 1967. On Resurrection Sunday, the first Baptismal Service was held in the building, and the active membership stood at 62.


On June 2, 1968, there was a Dedication Service held, dedicating the church, the building, and the grounds to the service of our God and Saviour. About 200 guests and members attended, including Pastor Newans, Pastor Seldon, and several representatives from Baptist Mid-Missions.


In July of 1972, Calvary Baptist became officially self-supporting. The church then called Pastor Grimes to become it's own independent pastor. Pastor Grimes accepted this call, and left Baptist Mid-Missions at that time. He remained pastor of this church until June 16, 1974. At that time he returned to the church planting ministry under Baptist Mid-Missions.


Over the years, Calvary has seen many a great people, and made wonderful strides. Here is a time line of some of the events that have taken place:


June, 1974: Pastor Gerald Dooley becomes pastor. He and the members of the church built the annex, which is where the youth meet today.

May, 1977: Terry Twigg accepted the call as a part time youth pastor, and later became a full time youth pastor.

November, 1977: The mortgage on the property was burnt, Calvary was debt free!

December, 1977: Pastor Dooley takes a new church in Crawfordsville, and leaves Brazil.

July, 1978: Pastor Newans rejoins the church as interim Pastor

February, 1980: Pastor Newans steps down, and Pastor Garry Moore becomes our fourth pastor

October, 1980: Daniel "Dan" Pierce, a boy raised under the ministries of Calvary, feels the call to preach, and helped Pastor Moore with the preaching.

November, 1980: Dan Pierce becomes licensed to preach.

July, 1981: Dan Pierce is ordained by the church to the Gospel Ministry.

August, 1981: Dan Pierce is called to the mission field in Taiwan.

May, 1982: The church begins construction of an educational building, the fellowship hall, a kitchen, and two restrooms.

November, 1982: Construction is complete on new educational building.

June, 1983: Pastor Moore feels called of God to the mission field, and steps down as pastor.

June, 1983: Pastor Kenneth Corbett accepts the call to become pastor, and began his ministry.

1983: A new sign is purchased and installed in front of the church in memory of Charles Hennis.

1984: A new library is established. Jim and Mary Dowell oversee the library.

1984: Dan and Deb Pierce are commissioned to the mission field in Taiwan. They left in May for their first term.

1985: A basketball court is donated by Walter Craig and family. The campfire ring was built in honor of Ernest Weise.

1986: The Prophet's Chamber is created in the new addition. This is a guest room for our missionaries.

1986: The King's Kids program is created. Betty Fleener oversees this ministry.

November, 1986: Calvary celebrates 25 years. All current and former pastors and members are invited to attend.

1991: Pastor Corbett leaves the ministry, and Pastor Don Bixby assumes the pulpit.

1993: The front of the church is enlarged to include more pews, a larger alter/pulpit area, a baptismal, and a choir loft. This was done courtesy of the love and donations of our members. Once again, praise the Lord, Calvary is still debt free.

1994: Joe Fleener, a boy raised under the ministries of Calvary, feels called to the mission field. He goes to Mexico and South Africa for ministry and education

1995-1996: Pastor Bixby goes through an extensive course on the Biblical Principles of the husband, wife, family, etc.

1997: David Craig feels called to the mission field. David, along with is wife and three kids, is later called to Alaska.

1998: Pastor Bixby feels called to a church in Winimac, IN. He steps down as pastor of Calvary.

1998: Pastor John Price becomes our pastor.

1998: A bus ministry is started. Pastor and Mrs. Price also form the Candle of the Lord club. This was a group of ladies burdened to get the gospel out, and met every week.

1999: Pastor Price leaves the ministry.

November, 1999: Pastor Olin Strader joins the church as our pastor.

2002: The Ultimate Challenge begins under the leading of the current youth leader, Tim Nichols. The goal is to reach the unsaved and unchurched teens in the area.

2003: New flags were donated in memory of David Rollings and Mrs. Orten

2004: Pastor Strader feels called to leave Calvary and pursue other ministry options.

2005: Pastor Jason Selby is called to lead our church.

2006: The parking lot is paved.

2007: The annex and church are joined, and the kitchen is moved and remodeled. The Fellowship Hall was extended, the Annex was extended and attached, all provided by the loving donations and labor of our members and friends.Once again, praise the Lord, we are still debt free.

2007: The Gospel Pavilion is built and finished. All funding and labor was donated by members of our church. The first event held under the Pavilion is the 6th annual Ultimate Challenge. The dedication service was in September.


History is being written every day. We would love to have you become a part of our rich history. Calvary Baptist is truly a place to call home!

But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.
Ephesians 4:15  (click to read Eph 4 online)



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