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Our Mission Fields

These are just a few examples of us going "into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
The Philippines

We support several missionaries in the Philippines. They are hungry for the gospel, and there are several who are helping fill that need. Our Pastor and his father in law, Pastor Jim Gilbert, went down and preached to thousands of people in about 10 days. Both struggled with sickness during this trip, but still they persevered. God used them in great and mighty ways! If we are faithful, He will use us.


The youth leaders took several teens to Mexico each year from 2003 - 2011. Each year they went to places like San Luis Potosi, Mexico City, Cuernavaca, Progresso, Metamora, and McAllen in Texas on the border. Each time they worked with others and the locals setting up large tents, several games, helping prepare food, and being a present help the day of. We saw many souls saved and baptized, and many joined the churches we were working with. Several of our teens who went with us came back with a renewed vision of serving God.

Our Own Backyard

It is great to serve abroad, and will most definitely change your vision. But we have to be faithful in Brazil and the surrounding areas as well. We have several opportunities to serve. We run a bus ministry every week to pick up those who may otherwise not be able to make it in. We hold the Ultimate Challenge and Fun Day Before Sunday to reach out to other teens and young people. We help minister to Five Stones Camp and the inner city teens they are reaching out to. We help support Bibles for the Blind in Terre Haute. And this is just to mention a few.


And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Colossians 3:23

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